Now we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty of traditional clinker planking, the actual planking itself! The class starts planking the two dinghies, a snub (pram) dinghy and a stem dinghy. In the first few classes I ran back in the early 1990’s, the thing that held most people up was how to make the jerralds (gains or rebates) where the planks are let into each other at the bow and stern. After quite a few ruined planks, I developed a sequence to follow which enables first-timers to get it right every time. It’s not the way it was generally done, but it works! The video follows the class right through the process from deciding how many planks to use, lining out, spiling and marking out, browing off (bevelling), cutting and matching jerralds, drilling for fastenings and fastening off. At the end there is a two-minute summary.