Traditional Clinker Construction Episode 3: Setting Up, Part 1


Here’s the third episode as promised. The class marks out and cuts out the moulds, knees and transoms to build two small clinker dinghies.



Traditional Clinker Construction Episode 1 & 2: Lofting

We filmed a Summer School class in 2000, and it’s taken me until now to edit it. It’s the first in a series which will eventually be accompanied by a thorough book on Traditional Clinker Construction. The first two episodes are here, the following episodes will appear….well, episodically, probably a few months apart. I’ve explained some complicated processes as best I

can, but you’ll still need a textbook. If you want to start your project before the series finishes and the book comes out, you can get a fair bit on lofting from both THE OPEN BOAT and WOODEN BOATBUILDING- THE SYDNEY WOODEN BOAT SCHOOL MANUALS, and the latter also includes the original manual on Building a Traditional Clinker Dinghy.

Clinker Plank Repairs

Splining cracks in clinker planks.

A New Ringtail Spar for Historical 18-Footer BRITANNIA

BRITANNIA gets a new ringtail spar by the traditional method.

Historical 18-Footer BRITANNIA Plank Repairs

After 16 hard seasons of racing a few planks on the batten-seam carvel hull needed repairs.

Carvel Planking Episode 6: Structural Floors

Fitting structural floor timbers to my carvel-planked Ranger class gaff sloop.

Carvel Planking Episode 5: Drilling for the Shaft Tube

How I drilled for the shaft tube on my 24′ traditional gaff sloop.

Carvel Planking Episode 4: Fitting a Stealer Plank

Stealer planks are let into a host plank where the host plank can’t be wide enough to cover the area it needs to.

Carvel Planking Episode 3: Stopwaters

Stopwaters prevent water migrating along joints in the backbone timbers in carvel-planked construction.

Carvel Planking Ep.2: Steaming Planks

A severe bend and twist means that I have to steam the Huon Pine planks in my carvel-planked 24′ new build.

Carvel Planking Episode 1: Steaming the Ribs

Bending the ribs into my 24′ Ranger class gaff sloop. Some are a single piece of timber, some are two laminations, some are of three laminations.

Making a Half-Hull Model

How to make a half-hull model. The example in this video is an Aussie 10-footer from 1906, and was made as a trophy for the historical 10-footer fleet.

Building Britannia

Building the 18 footer Britannia, a replica of an iconic Sydney 18-footer of 1919, in the early 2000’s. Don’t know of any other videos that show batten-seam carvel construction.